I had my class do some of those complete the phrases things. Here are some of the responses they came up with.....
What I want most in the world...
a dog
a bucket of chicken
to go to school
a house and money(wouldn't we all :o))
a mega fighting danger robot
to be a princess
I feel sorry for....
the soldiers at war
Katrina victims
what I did (ha ha)
people who are sad
poor people that can't afford stuff
the teams that lost to the Mavericks
Michael Jackson
Sometimes I dream about...
Mickey Mouse
my dad
going to a different dimension
me going to college
being the king of the world
the end of the world
I never want to forgot...
my great grandmother
when I get to move to a house
when I had a dog
my classmates and my teacher(ahhhh)
my birthday
Hope these brighten your day! I know they did mine!!!
(Found your blog via Chrystal's)
Hey, Becky. All I can say is that I totally agree with the "Mega Fighting Danger Robot" idea. Who wouldn't want that? After all, if you've got that, you're pretty much gonna get access to everything else.
You think Steve Jobs is gonna say you can have a new iPod if your Mega Fighting Danger Robot is breathing down his neck? I don't see how the world could resist. Unless your friend had a Mega Peaceful Cuteness Robot to counteract the affects of the fighting and danger.
Oh well, one day the government will prvide us all with our own Mega Fighting Danger Robots, but our taxes will be sky high. Oh well, everything's a tradeoff, eh?
I want to be a princess too and often dream of Mickey Mouse. :)
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