Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Everyone leave! Get out now!

Okay, summer school is almost over. Hooray! I'd say that I'm looking forward to sleeping in for a while, but it won't be happening anytime soon. Aaron and I are going on vacation, and then we have a family reunion. What is it about vacations anyway? You're never rested when you get back. Everyone knows you need to stay home at least a couple of days before going back to work to have a vacation from your vacation. I am lucky in the fact that I will NOT be going back to work immediately. Aaron, however, does! I'm sure I'll just feel terrible when he's having to get up at 6. Since I've been getting up all summer though, I'll probably end up waking up every day at 7. Then Kelli will want to go ahead and work out....which we should. Then I'll just be tired and want to take a nap. Naps are OUT! Aaron's mom is coming at the end of July, and the house MUST be ready by then. No boxes! No dirt in the garage! All rooms painted! I'm sure it will happen, but I'll have to work like a crazy person to get it done. Good thing I have time off! Ha ha!

1 comment:

CFH said...

um... 5:24 am???? I so NEVER see that time of day, but you post at that time of day? Yikes.

I'm glad school is over and you get to go on vacation!

I am at Dunn Bros right now and everyone seems to know each other. Weird.

anyway, have fun!!!